The Worthing and District Society of Model Engineers



Welcome to the website of the Worthing and District Society of Model Engineers. Whether you are an existing member of the Society, someone interested in model engineering or a member of the public looking for information on our next running day for the trains, we hope that you will find this site interesting. 


If you are interested in joining us please call into Field Place on one of our Thursday meeting evenings or on a Wednesday or on some  Saturday mornings. Alternatively you may use our Contact Us page to send an email or download and complete an application form. There is more information on the About us page.






No. I'ts made to drawing and it's 1.35mm says Mostyn.


I've measured it and it's exactly 1/4 inch says Geoff.



The sort of confusion with measurements that NASA historically got into got itself into

Next Public Running Sunday July 28th.


For anyone who is missing Summer this year it briefly made a short appearance last time we were out(followed by a huge downpour on the following day). Hopefully, with August just around the corner, the 28th July will be a bit more seasonal at last. Regardless we will be out there and ready for your enjoyment.


Dont forget, we only ask for a £1.00 a journey around our lovely track with chindren under 3 for free.


Picnics on the grass are free as it's a public space but do keep excited children well away from the tracks and please, no ball games they like the train tracks too much.





Our 50th anniversary open day.

In spite of the weather' appempt to spoil things the day was a success. Rain was forecast for the morning and for once it was spot on, complete with a genuine exceedingly heavy shower about a quarter of an hour befour the start at 11. Fortunately the exhibits had been safely brought in to the clubhouse by 9 o'clock its was just the outside preparations that suffered namely preparing the track and locomotives and getting the traction engines into steam. However it's Summer and in England so what did we honestly expect?


One our members, Dennis Holmes, has created a video of the day that he has uploaded to his website  "WooWooMad."

His web site, is generally, well worth a visit just type in WooWooMad in Youtube's search box, if you are desperate to view our event then here's the direct link. Just click on the pink link and you'll be there.


To all our visitors, all payments to us are cash only. We have neither the fascilities to accept cards nor can we afford the costs associated with such transactions. Cash helps us to keep our prices away from the cost of living increases that are rampant at the moment.

Summer 24  Edition of our Newsletter.



The eagle eyed will say that Summer has yet to arrive. This makes no reference to the weather although that too has been questionable so far. But the fact that it's still May and all of the official starts of Summer come along next month. So look at it as an early indicator of what's just around the corner (hopefully).


Warning. The esteemed editor has thrown a few red herrings in with some of the dates, theres no need to write in as they have already been spotted. In time honoured style the editor will not enter into correspondence and his decision is final in such matters


Click on the link below to be the proud owner of this slightly early edition

News letter Summer 24
issue 166 Summer 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [4.0 MB]

 Our Facebook page can be found at by searching for Modelengineersworthing on the facebook site or using the link below. Click on this link to get there


We are in the North West corner of Field |Place, beyond the Tennis Courts. I suggest that you use the first Car Park entrance on the Right after enetering Field Place having gone past the indoor bowling club on your left. Go through to the second part of the car park and from there there's a fairly direct footpath by the bowling greens on your left up to the footbridge access to the club house as ground level access to the track and clubhouse is closed off on public running days. However, there is a buggy park by our entrance and disabled acccess is provided should it be needed.


Our full postal address is

Worthing & District Society of Model Engineers

Field Place



BN13 1NP

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© Neil Furze, Worthing & District Society of Model Engineers 2024. All Rights Reserved.