Like to join us? You may download an application form located at the bottom of this page. The annual subscription is £30. Completed forms should be returned to Paul Parsons, Hon Membership
Secretary to the club address at Field Place. Subscription and joining fee should NOT be sent with the application form.
Alternatively if you would like to contact us please use the contact form below, providing your name, email and message, to get in touch.
Patron: Peter Webb M.B.E
President: Andrew Breese
Chairman: Kevan Ayling
Vice Chair and Publicity: Geoff Bashall
Hon. Secretary: Leigh Gibbins
Engineering: David Parsons
Treasurer: Martin Laker
Programme: Neil Furze
Hon Membership Secretary: Paul Parsons
Tel: 01903 815350
Boiler Liason Secretary: Brian Hunt
Committee post1 Richard Ellis
Committee post 2 Glen Payne
Committee post 3 Barry Partridge
Webmaster: Neil Furze
Email: use link at top of page
Worthing & District Society of Model Engineers,
Field Place, Durrington
BN13 1NP
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